2017 Season

Same Time, next year

by Bernard Slade
Directed by Robin Reese
Apr. 20 - 22, 29, & 30 2017

Same Time, Next Year follows a love affair between two people, Doris and George, married to others, who rendezvous once a year. Twenty-five years of manners and morals are hilariously and touchingly played out by the lovers.

Two Rooms

by Lee Blessing
Directed by Courtney Edmundson
June 23 - 25, 30 & July 1, 2017

The two rooms of the title are a windowless cubicle in Beirut, where an American hostage is being held by Arab terrorists, and a room in his home in the United States, which his wife has stripped of furniture so that, at least symbolically, she can share his ordeal. In fact the same room serves for both and is also the locale for imaginary conversations between the hostage and his wife, plus the setting for the real talks she has with a reporter and a State Department official.

Boeing, Boeing

by Marc Camoletti
Directed by Matt Michrina & Alice Oswald
Aug. 18 - 20, 25, &  26 2017

Bernard has a flat in Paris and three attractive stewardesses all engaged to him without knowing about each other. But Bernard’s life gets bumpy when his friend Robert comes to stay, and a new, speedier Boeing jet disrupts his careful planning. Soon all three stewardesses are in the city simultaneously, timid Robert forgets which lies to tell to whom, and catastrophe looms.